RECAP: The Last Job, Part 2
Out of the gate each of our heroes is in peril as they are surrounded! Ruby is wrapped up in some sort of neon tentacles, and Yardak has two knives pointing right at him. A shot from above hits our tentacle laden villain, and descending upon us from the rafters is our newcomer, Lazerhawk! Lazerhawk takes a few hits from the baddies but Ruby and Yardak are able to get free in the chaos. Austin is distracted with his own fight in another room.
A New Challenger Approaches
Yardak uses his own tentacle of the water variety to trip up Midnight Hydra. Some very quick introductions are made between the gang and they immediately team up to fight the trio. Lazerhawk blasts Vapor Kappa in the face with his tazer-fist. Taking the defence, Yardak throws up a water shield. Midnight Hydra gets attacked by Ruby and her conjured sword that he rips right out of hands and snaps it over his knee. Yardak steps in to save Lazerhawk when Crystal Tiger attempts to stomp him and let’s loose a water whip he had readied in the event of her attack. Yardak’s shield is the hero today as it not only prevents attacks from Vapor Kappa it also sends him flying through the air.
Seeing that they are being outmaneuvered the trio of villains escapes through the skylight in the roof and flees. Their lackies Austin was fighting run out and are apprehended by the police. Unfortunately one of the cops was Officer Davis (the corrupt cop working with the Blue Cross Gang). Ruby establishes a contact in Officer Cranston. After introductions are made between everyone, both sides agree to share the knowledge they each have of both the Midnight Gang and the Blue Cross Gang in attempts to learn more and take them down.
The Stakes are Raised
Ruby and Yardak head to UNION Echo Base after a call from Deputy Director Ramos, and bring Lazerhawk with them. Ramos and Yardak share their concerns about what it might mean that the Midnight Gang and Blue Cross Gang are working together now. Lazerhawk readily agrees to work with UNION if it means that he can get the Midnight Hydra behind bars. Ruby and Yardak share numbers with Lazerhawk so they can keep in touch and then part ways for the night.
The next day, Austin gives Ruby a ring and asks to meet up. Lazerhawk has a disheartening conversation on the phone with his wife about their child. Yardak sets out to try to make some connections between the gangs working together by giving beloved Ruth Day a call. It turns out Ruth does know of the Midnight Gang, and she has also scored herself a job at RCI working alongside Mo. The potential teamups of Ruth and Mo have Yardak chomping at the bit. Austin shares his concerns with Ruby about how “big” everything is becoming and that he feels like he hasn’t really made a difference. He also lets us in on his personal life and tells Ruby he got his powers right after his parents died from a drug overdose.
All four meet on top of Jack’s bar in the afternoon. Ruby calls Officer Cranston to pick his brain about where the Midnight Gang might be hiding, and gives them the tip that they’re after someone named JT (the kid from the last episode). Using a hero point for direction they’re led to trying to find financial contacts between both gangs. With that lead, they’re off to the police precinct where corrupt cop Davis works.
Entering Davis’ office he quickly snaps a draw shut in attempt to hide something. Ruby politely asks if he knows anything about the gangs, while Lazerhawk is nowhere near as nice. Yardak intimidates Davis into opening his drawer. A false bottom reveals; evidence bags, money, and slampacks. Lazerhawk has Davis trembling as he’s willing to tell everything but he’s scared for his life.